On an Astrological Sabbatical...

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Intuitive Medium

Photo of Travis Mann


I'm currently taking an Astrological sabbatical. If you'd like to know when I return, sign up to receive an update!


Spirit Mediumship Reading

Mediumship Reading Icon

You will receive messages of validation, insight, healing, and clarity to empower you along your journey.

Most Popular

Tarot Guidance

Tarot Guidance

Consult the cards about any life circumstance to form a wider perspective, reveal deeper truths, and illuminate possible paths forward.

Astrology Forecast

Astrology Forecast

A hyper-personalized Astrology reading to discover clues about your unique inner world, life path, and effects of the current Astrological weather.

Most Popular

Your Birth Chart Reading

Your Birth Chart Reading Icon

Based on the unique signature of your Astrological Birth Chart, these capture your spirit’s energy, strengths, sense of purpose and direction.

Relationship Astrology Reading

Relationship Astrology Reading Icon

Explore the Astrological energies at play within a relationship to discover your combined strengths, challenges, and emerging possibilities.

Birthday Forecast

Birthday Forecast Icon

A most unique and insightful gift to give yourself or someone you love this Birthday. This package includes a customized printed Birthday Forecast guide, covering an entire year of insights, as well as two supporting video sessions.

Energy Portraits

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Energy Portrait

Birth Chart

5" x 7"

Energy Portrait

Spirit Signature

16" x 20"

Energy Portrait

Birth Chart

5" x 7"

Energy Portrait

Birth Chart

16" x 20"

Energy Portrait

Birth Chart

5" x 7"

Energy Portrait

Birth Chart

8" x 10"

Energy Portrait

Relationship Charts

8" x 10"

Energy Portrait

Birth Chart

5" x 7"

Energy Portrait

Birth Chart

5" x 7"

Energy Portrait

Birth Chart

5" x 7"

Energy Portrait

Relationship Charts

16" x 20"

Energy Portrait

Birth Chart

16" x 20"

Energy Portrait

Birth Chart

5" x 7"

Energy Portrait

Birth Chart

5" x 7"

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A visual representation of your light. These pastel drawings tell a story about your unique energy signature and ongoing processes in your life journey. Along with your custom art, you will receive a description of the Intuitive or Astrological impressions I receive from the process.

Spirit Signature

To create these, I enter into meditation to call upon your energy and allow images, sensations and feelings to form in my intuitive space.

Intuitive Energy Portrait Icon
Astrology Energy Portrait Icon

Birth Chart

Based on the unique signature of your Astrological Birth Chart, these capture your spirit’s energy, strengths, sense of purpose and direction.

Relationship Charts

These honor the beauty and dynamics between two or more people whose lives are intertwined, be it partners, siblings, parents or friends.

Relationship Energy Portrait Icon

Upcoming Events

Check Back for Updates

I'm currently busy with appointments and Energy Portraits, but check back for updates on in-person events!

In-Person Readings in NYC

Subject: A Cocktail Bar

I'm pleased to return to NYC for in-person appointments at Subject: A Cocktail Bar. Available appointments include: Spirit Mediumship, Tarot Guidance, Astrology Forecast, and Birth Chart Reading.

April 17-20

Lower East Side, NYC


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Photo of Rocky J.

“It’s hard to find the words that’ll help explain how impactful Travis and his work has been in my life. His visions and insights have been instrumental in helping me unlock a deeper part of myself that has been hard to access on my own. They’ve been a guiding light and conduit for much needed healing. I’ve been able to rediscover a world that I’ve once rejected, but can now see with a new set of eyes.”

Rocky J.
Photo of Dhameer T.

“My reading with Travis was one of the best and unique experiences I have had and what I unexpectedly needed for what I was going through. He gave me insight to what I was feeling which led to instant, immense relief along with guidance on what I needed to focus on. In addition, a special message from a loved one came through… it took a few days to piece together and was actually intended for my mom who was in need of this special gift! It was a true blessing filled with love! Thank you Travis!”

Dhameer T.
Photo of Amanda S.

“Travis has the most gentle presence. Whether it's during a reading or discussing your birth chart, Travis makes it easy and comfortable to connect with the most inner parts of yourself. He does so with such love and tenderness! I am forever grateful for everything Travis has taught me along my journey!”

Amanda S.
Photo of Tami S.

“I received an astrological reading from Travis during a time in which I was struggling to connect to my soul purpose. The report Travis provided was truly a gift. It was thorough and very carefully crafted; I felt as though he knew me better than I knew myself. I’m so grateful for Travis and his intuitive gifts.”

Tami S.
Photo of Rocky J.

“I have had several astrology reports from Travis. They are the best astrological reports I’ve ever received! He is incredibly thorough with his chart analysis and took the time to explain any aspects or house information that I was not familiar with within the reading. He is truly gifted—not just with astrology but also with his intuitive skills. I recommend him all the time!”

Trista L.
Photo of Aaryn N.

“Travis is highly skilled in a variety of intuitive modalities; I have been fortunate to see his tarot, dream work and astrological readings in action. His deep understanding of human emotion lends him a sensitive and nuanced perspective that has helped me navigate my own complicated feelings on several topics. He is very gifted and I’m thankful to have found his services.”

Aaryn N.
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Stay in Tune

Enter to Win a Free Reading

Each month I'll award one of my subscribers with a free 30-minute Astrology Forecast via private video chat.

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